Teaching Experience - Ulrich Langer
Tutorials, Practical Courses and Seminars:
Since winter 1980/81 I have held different Tutorials, Practical Courses and Seminars for Mathematic students and students studying Mathematics to become High School Teachers. My field is Numerical Mathematics mainly. Since winter 1993/94 I have taught the listed seminars for students studying 'Technical Mathematics" at the University Linz.
- the "Seminar on Numerical Methods":
- WS 93/94: "Parallel Algorithms"
- WS 94/95: "Non-symmetrics Problems"
- WS 96/97: "Adaptive Methods"
- WS 97/98: "Sattelpunktsprobleme"
- WS 00/01: "Numerical Methods for Topology Optimization"
- WS 01/02: "Iterative Methods for Systems of Linear Equations (Krylov-Space-Methods)"
- WS 02/03: "hp-Methoden"
- WS 03/04: "Methoden zur Lösung von Eigenwertproblemen"
- WS 04/05: "H-Matrices"
- the "Project Seminar" (SS 94, SS 96, SS 97, SS 98, SS 99, SS 00, SS01, SS03, SS04): In this Seminar students work on small projects in cooperation with the industry.
In 1995 I worked as instructional staff at the "ECMI - Modeling Week" in Glasgow.
Since winter 1981 I have held the following lectures for Mathematic students, students becoming Mathematic-Physics Highschool Teachers and engineer students.
- Lecture "Methode der finiten Elemente" for mathematics students
(1 semester: 2h per week),
- Lecture "Numerische Analysis partieller Differentialgleichungen" for mathematics students
(1 semester: 4h per week + 2h per week seminar going with the lecture),
- Lecture "Numerische Mathematik III: Zweipunkte Rand- und Anfangsrandwertaufgaben" for mathematics students (1 semester: 2h per week + 2h per week seminar going with the lecture),
- Special lecture "Mehrgitterverfahren" for mathematics students at the TU Chemnitz (1 semester: 4h per week), at the University Linz (2 semester: 2h per week) and at the University Kaiserslautern (as compact course for graduate students of the college "Technomathematik" in the summer semester 93 and summer semester 97), printed script available [4].
- Lecture "Numerische Analysis und Informatik" for Highschool Teachers
(3 semester: 2h per week + 2h per week and Tutorials).
- Lecture "Computersimulation physikalischer und technischer Felder mittels FEM-Diskretisierung gewöhnlicher und partieller Differentialgleichungen" for engineer students of "electrical engineering"
(1 semester: 2h per week, printed script available [1])
- Special lecture "Domain Decomposition Methods" for mathematics students at the TU Chemnitz, at the University Linz and at the University Kaiserslautern (as compact course for graduate students of the college "Technomathematik" in the summer semester 94) (1 semester: 2h per week, printed script available [8])
- Special lecture "Computational Mechanics" for mathematics students of "Technical Mathematics" at the University Linz (1 semester (summer semester 95, summer semester 97): 4h per week, printed script available [9])
- Lecture "Numerik I (Operatorgleichungen)" for mathematics students at the University Linz (1 semester (winter semester 93/94, winter semester 95/96, winter semester 99/2K, winter semester 01/02): 4h per week, printed script available [2])
- Lecture "Numerik II (Elliptische Randwertaufgaben)" for mathematics students of "Technical Mathematics" at the University Linz (1 semester (summer semester 94, summer semester 96, summer semester 2K): 4h per week, printed script available [3])
- Lecture ""Numerical Analysis III (Initial Boundary Value Problems)" for mathematics students of "Technical Mathematics" at the University Linz (1 semester (winter semester 93/95, winter semester 96/97, winter semester 00/01): 4h per week, printed script available [6]) )
- Lecture "Numerical Analysis for students of Mechatronics" at the University Linz (1 semester (summer semester 97, summer semester 98): 3h per week, printed script available [1])
- Basic lecture "Analysis I" for students of the studies in Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics for Highschool Teachers and Physics at the University Linz (1 semester (winter semester 97/98, winter semester 98/99): 5h per week)
- Basic lecture "Analysis II" for students in the studies in Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics for Highschool Teachers and Physics at the University Linz (1 semester (summer semester 98, summer semester 99): 5h per week)
- Special lecture "Boundary Element Methods" for mathematics students at the University Linz (1 semester (winter semester 00/01): 2h per week)
Supervision of students heading for the diploma thesis and doctoral thesis:
From 1980 on I supervised 24 diploma thesis for "Diplommathematiker" and "Diplomingenieure" as well as for "Diplomlehrer" in Mathematics and Physics. For the following students I was the supervisor, they completed their studies with the title (Dr. rer. nat.).
- Dr. Klaus Hoyer (1983)
- Dr. Carmen Dietel (1984)
- Dr. Werner Queck (1986)
- Dr. Alfred Tamme (1986)
- Prof. Dr.rer.nat.habil. Michael Jung (1988)
- Dr. Reiner Wohlgemuth (1990)
- Dr. Bodo Heise (1991)
- Dr. Gerhard Globisch (1992)
- Prof. Dr. Gundolf Haase (1993)
- Dr. Holger Matthes (1997)
- Dr. Michael Kuhn (1998)
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Schöberl (1999)
- Dr. Stefan Reitzinger (2001)
- Dr. Wolfram Mühlhuber (2002)
- Dr. Roman Stainko (2006)
- Dr. Johanna Kienesberger (2007)
- Dr. Clemens Pechstein (2009)
- Dr. Peter Gruber (2011)
- Dr. Michael Kolmbauer (2012)
- Dr. Clemens Hofreither (2012)
- Dr. Monika Wolfmayr (2014)
- Dr. Peter Gangl (2017)
- Dr. Stephen Moore (2017)
- Dr. Christoph Hofer (2018)
- Dr. Bernhard Endtmayer (2021)
- Dr. Daniel Jodlbauer (2021)
- Dr. Rainer Schneckenleitner (2021)
- Dr. Andreas Schafelner (2022)
Since 1983 I have taught different courses for engineers and technicians at the TU Chemnitz and for people from industry. Main topics were Numerical Mathematics, the finite-element-method and the multigrid method.
Research Seminars:
From 1981 till 1993 I held a research seminar with the topic "Theorie and Anwendung der Methode der finiten Elemente" at the TU Chemnitz. Since 1993 I have held a research seminar called "Numerische Mathematik and Optimierung" at the University Linz.
Lecture notes and Seminar reports:
- Jung M., Langer U.: Finite-Elemente-Methode: Eine Einführung for Ingenieurstudenten. TU Chemnitz, Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1995 (188 pages). [german]
- Langer U.: NUMERIK I (Operatorgleichungen). Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1996 (156 pages). [german]
- Langer U.: NUMERIK II (Numerische Verfahren for Randwertaufgaben). Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1996 (198 pages). [german]
- Langer U.: Multigrid - Methoden. Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1996, University Kaiserslautern, 1997 (138 pages). [german]
- Gfrerer H., Langer U., Zulehner W.: Projektseminar (Ausgewählte Seminarberichte). Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1996. [german]
- Langer U.: Numerical Analysis III (Initial Boundary Value Problems). Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1997 (199 pages). [german]
- Langer U.: Lectures on Domain Decomposition Methods. Mexico, February 1997 (91 pages).
- Langer U.: Domain Decomposition Methods. Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1997 (58 pages). [german]
- Langer U.: Numerische Festkörpermechanik. Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1997 (176 pages). [german]
- Langer U., Zulehner W.: Sattelpunktsprobleme (Seminarbericht). Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, 1998 (131 pages). [german]
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