Florian Bachinger
Clemens Pechstein
David Pusch
Stefan Reitzinger
Markus Wabro
2001-10-01 – 2005-09-30
efficient solution of positive definite and indefinite equations with AMG
parallelization of AMG
software development
real life applications
The aim of this project is the development and construction of Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) methods. AMG methods try to mimic geometric multigrid methods just by knowing single grid information but retaining the optimality of the method. Since the construction of an universal AMG method for all arising situations in practice is an unrealistic dream, we will assemble efficient and robust solvers for special classes of matrices such as large scale systems arising from the (FEM, FDM, FIT, BEM) discretization of:
Anisotropic Potential Equation
Maxwell's Equations
Stokes / Navier-Stokes Equations
Navier-Stokes-flow past a half-opened valve. (Geometry provided by AVL List GmbH)
Maxwell equations; quarter of a magnetic valve.
Moreover, parallelization of AMG is an important task because it is the main source for a further enhancement of efficiency in real life applications.
U. Langer, D. Pusch
Data-sparse Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Large Scale Boundary Element Equations
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 54, Issues 3-4, 2005, p. 406-424
Coupled Algebraic Multigrid Methods for the Oseen Problem
accepted for publication in Computing and Visualization in Science
C. Wolters, A. Anwander, M. Koch, S. Reitzinger, M. Kuhn, M. Svensen
Influence of head tissue conductivity anisotropy on human EEG and MEG using fast high resolution finite element modeling, based on a parallel algebraic multigrid solver
T. Plesser and P. Wittenburg (eds.): "Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen" Heinz-Billing Award for the Advancement of Scientific Computing, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen, 54 pages, 2002
S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
An algebraic multigrid method for finite element discretizations with edge elements
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Volume 9, No 3, pp 223-238, 2002
U. Langer, S. Reitzinger, J. Schicho
Symbolic Methods for the Element Preconditioning Technique
Technical SFB-Report 02-03
S. Reitzinger, U. Schreiber, U. van Rienen
Algebraic Multigrid for Complex Symmetric Matrices: Numerical Studies
SFB-Report 02-01, University of Linz, 2002
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger
Nonlinear 3D Magnetic Field Computations using Lagrange FE-functions and Algebraic Multigrid
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 38, No 3, pp 1489-1496, May 2002
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid for Magnetostatic Field Problems
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, accepted for publication, COMPUMAG, Volume 38, No 2, 2002
G. Haase, M. Kuhn and S. Reitzinger
Parallel AMG on Distributed Memory Computers
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 24, No 2, pp 410-427, 2002
B. Kaltenbacher, M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger
Identification of Nonlinear B-H Curves based on Magnetic Field Computations and Multigrid Methods for Ill-posed Problems
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2002, in press
A. Anwander, M. Kuhn, S. Reitzinger, C. Wolters
A Parallel Algebraic Multigrid Solver for the Finite Element Method based Source Localization in the Human Brain
Computing and Visualization in Science, in press
S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Large Scale Finite Element Equations
Reihe C - Technik und Naturwissenschaften 36, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, 2001
U. Langer, D. Pusch, S. Reitzinger
An Efficient Preconditioner for Boundary Element Matrices based on Algebraic Multigrid Methods
SFB-Report 01-30, University of Linz, 2001
G. Haase, U. Langer, S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
Algebraic Multigrid Methods based on Element Preconditioning
Int. Journal of Computer Mathematics Vol 78, no 4, pp.575 - 598, 2001
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger, M. Schinnerl, J. Schöberl, H. Landes
Multigrid Methods for the Computation of 3D Electromagnetic Field Problems
Proceedings of the IGTE 2000, COMPEL 20, 2001
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid for Static Nonlinear 3D Electromagnetic Field Computations
SFB-Report 00-07, University of Linz, 2000
S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
Algebraic Multigrid for Edge Elements
SFB-Report 00-15, University of Linz, 2000. accepted for publication in Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications
G. Haase, M. Kuhn, S. Reitzinger
Parallel AMG on Distributed Memory Computers
SFB-Report 00-16, University of Linz, 2000. accepted for publication in SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing
G. Haase, U. Langer, S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
A General Approach to Algebraic Multigrid
SFB-Report 00-33, University of Linz, 2000
G. Haase
A parallel AMG for overlapping and non-overlapping domain decomposition
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Vol. 10, pp. 41-55, 2000
G. Haase, M. Kuhn, U. Langer, S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
Parallel Maxwell Solvers
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on "Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering" (ed. by U. van Rienen), Warnemünde, Germany, August 20-22, 2000, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 71 - 78
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid for Solving Electromechanical Problems
Multigrid Methods VI (E. Dick, K. Rienslagh, and J. Vierendeels eds.), Lecture Notes in Compuational Science and Engineering 2000, pp. 129-135
M. Kaltenbacher, S. Reitzinger, J. Schöberl
Algebraic Multigrid for Solving Nonlinear Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Field Problems
IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Vol 36, no 4, pp. 1561 - 1564, 2000
C. Wolters, S. Reitzinger, A. Basermann, S. Burkhardt, U. Hartmann, F. Kruggel, A. Anwander
Improved tissue modelling and fast solver methods for high resolution FE-modelling in EEG/MEG-source localization
Biomag 2000, Proc. of the 12 th Internat. Conf. on Biomagnetism. J. Neonen, R.J. Ilmoniemi, and T. Katila, eds., 2000
F. Kickinger
Algebraic Multigrid for Discrete Elliptic second-order Problems
Multigrid Methods V, Proceedings of the 5th European MG Conference, (W. Hackbusch ed.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 3, 1998, pp. 157 - 172
F. Kickinger, U. Langer
A note on the global extraction element-by-element method
ZAMM (1998), no 78, pp. 965 - 966
S. Reitzinger
Robust Algebraic Multigrid Methods in Magnetic Shielding Problems
Diploma Theses, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1998
S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid and Element Preconditioning I
SFB-Report 98-15, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1998
S. Reitzinger
Algebraic Multigrid and Element Preconditioning II
SFB-Report 99-18, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1999
G. Haase
Algebraic Multigrid with Local Support
SFB-Report 99-29, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 1999
A special issue (Vol. 8 (3-4), Dec. 2005) of the journal Computing and Visualization in Science was dedicated to Fast Boundary Element Methods in Industrial Applications.